Thursday, July 18, 2013

Dawnleaf Watches Dog & Scissors: Episode 2 – An Announcement

As I am now starting watching the second round of episodes this season, I would like to explain how I’m going to do this.
These next posts are probably going to be shorter than my first impressions posts (unless I have a lot to say).  I’ll only be posting about an episode if I either decided to drop the anime because of it or because I have something to say about it or because I have some sort of hilarious screenshot.  So, I may not cover an anime if I don’t have a whole lot to say about it, so you won’t see a post for it.  That doesn’t mean I dropped it, though, I will post if I dropped something.
However, you’ll still see first impression posts from me, as there’s still a depressingly large amount of stuff I haven’t even touched yet.

With that said, Dog & Scissors: Episode 2, everyone.

After watching this episode, I have decided that Dog & Scissors is going to be one of those anime.  You know, the anime that’s not bad enough to drop but not great enough to really be looking forward to? 

I will give this episode props for being at least little funny, but not exactly laugh-out-loud hilarious.

However, this anime actually tries to go for drama and being semi-serious (still silly, but serious compared to everything else), and it doesn’t do a horrible job.  I respect it for trying instead of just being colorful nonsense.

The main girl’s personality remains ever-fluctuating, however.  Is she a tough, sadistic kung-fu chick or is she a sweet, weepy friend?  She actually angsts over how the main character died for her, which is rather odd when it’s juxtaposed with her, you know, chasing him around with scissors.

And the main character remains as book-fixated as ever.  They see the person who murdered him this episode, but the main guy doesn’t seem all that mad at him because he reads books, just like him.  The novelist seemed rather confused over this, and, I admit, I was too.

This anime also seems to be taking a strange turn into bestiality.  Of course, it’s played entirely for laughs, but how am I supposed to react when the novelist says lines like this

So, our main couple is a sadistic novelist and a dog.  I admit, points for creativity.

On some actually positive discussion points, I like how this anime hasn’t made the plunge into episodic nonsense yet.  The conflict in this episode was based on something that was actually important (and set up in the last episode), getting the guy who killed one of our mains.  I’d be lying if I said that the showdown between him and the novelist wasn’t fun to watch.

Actually, I wasn’t really bored by the episode at all.  This show is shaping up to be a rather simple but fun (not exactly funny, though) waste of twenty minutes a week, and I guess that I’m okay with watching one of those.

Okay, and the little doggie is pretty cute at times.

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